Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Emotion -Advice

 I won’t be your psychologist, and I won’t be your therapist, or even a psychiatrist. I am simply a person who can say I've seen enough to understand life at a different perspective than most, and I offer my opinions to everyone to guide them. To guide you through everything you have gone through so far, we need to go back and really question everything, figure out why everything happened. To help you understand, here is my opinion on life, “what you give to the world, it will take with a smile.” This means that, no matter what you do in life, no matter what you believe, no matter what you create, it may be for the good of the world, or for yourself, but created on this planet, it will last on the world for its own purposes. The strings are not tied to fate, but to nature, it will receive well whatever you wish to give, but it will not always be what you expect. The smile can be because it is thankful or because the world is sly and simply doesn't desire to give you what you want this time. Now, don’t take this as a depressing thought. The world gave us everything, it doesn't have to give everything back to us. Forget the whole prospect of, “life is what you make it”. It must seem very obvious by now that it is not, considering what has happened recently with the industrial age and every human being born into a society we can't escape. You did not choose to lose yourself to emotion that has gathered you up and thrown you into a hurricane. Although that all may be true, we do control how we feel about each event and we have to take each thing that hits us in life, and deal with it separately, one at a time. This is because we feel about each different thing that has affected us in our lives differently, no bad thing can make us feel the same, we relate it to the same words though; “fear, anger, sadness, pity, helplessness, confusion”. Think of emotions like colours, you take confusion, and make it green. You are confused about the meaning of life, and this shade of green is dark, now, you take this thought, “Why would the government be in debt?” When you first asked yourself this, you must have been confused at the thought; you know now, why it is that this happened. At the time, this confusion would have been a shade of light green. It is a different shade of green to define a different emotion, but still confusion. When we think about this, we have to realize there is a colour wheel, in the center; we have a light that represents peace. We need to use the opposite colour of our emotions to not cover up, but to fix the colour that is bringing us down. Pretend that white, for instance is the emotion colour that would fix this green confusion, and you find that light again. When you think about this light, you feel at peace, everything is okay, you understand everything, the meaning of life is clear, you understand from not only your own perspective.  When people want more, and when they live for power, and they live for money, they will work themselves up to the very top to find themselves dissatisfied at the thought that they cannot have more than that, there is nowhere else in life to take them further. We have to live for happiness; the only goal should always be happiness. With this goal in mind you can live your life not worrying about power, and greed for more, and a hunger that will go after your little negative desires in life. When living for happiness you will try to experience new things to take you to new places, and risks to take you past your comfort zone to live through the best of times. When we are in a low state, we have to focus on what creates that emotion colour I was talking about before, to fix the problem. It may seem silly, but this is all metaphors, I know there are no actual colours for emotions, but to represent them like this clarifies the whole idea behind it. On the grand scheme of things, we know that everyone dies. 

Say for instance someone you knew died early, but it could easily have been earlier. We have to be thankful for the time we have with the ones we love, and to cherish each moment. You loved that person, and they were good. Looking up, where you ponder thoughts about the afterlife, think about what that person would want now. They would want you to be happy, not to be at a loss, and in a state of sorrow. They would want you to take responsibility for your emotions, for you alone control who you are. You are destined from the beginning when you are born, to live. We breathe our first breathes on this beautiful planet, and our hearts beat for the first time to give us warmth. Warmth is given to us instantly, a comfort. We will always have comfort at the thought of this, “that heartbeat, is purpose”. We all have a purpose, but when we drift off the path of our destined plan to live the way we want, we lose sight and get lost in that darkness that separates us from that peace. We always have a purpose though, all it takes is to realize when things change, we have to change ourselves to adapt to this change and to feel that purpose again. Your purpose, is to find your way out of this sadness. If you feel you cannot do this, then you are lost. You can do this though, we all know somebody who has lost someone close to us, and you may be different from everyone else, taking emotions strongly, and every thought to heart, but that is because you have a big heart.

You need to take action and responsibility for your actions, if you are lost, and going off of impulses, you need to slow down and take a real look at who you are. Being introspective involves the thoughts constantly running through the back of your mind, the ones you want to ignore. Look there and find the answers that are at the front of your mind. It’s a mess, but we learn from a very young age. The front of your mind holds the knowledge of right from wrong. We know the difference, and you have to do right, and choose the right. Choosing the right means not going through with negative things that will take you adrift to places you would hate to go to, or take measures that are crazy. You cannot keep yourself in the past where things are bad, you have to keep moving along past these obstacles in life and use them to keep the bad back, this can be bad if you don’t face these things first though. Think each action through carefully, feel everything you did, and express it as you do through words. Words will change the world, actions will throw it into chaos. Everybody interprets words differently, what we say can mean something completely different to somebody else and its meaning has changed and thus, this written now will have a complete opposite meaning in a thousand years’ time. Right now, you can read this, and I’ve been telling you that you can accomplish a lot, you can move on, you will feel at peace, you should realize all this is possible by now, that you can get through it. That light is always there in the center to keep you at peace, and through each thought you accomplish all the new wonders possible. Interpret all this as you may, for I don’t want to force upon you every thought of mine.

The actions I would recommend you take is : do what feels right, and be confident.  We hold constants in our life that hold us in place that will never change our values, our morals, and our own thoughts. You exist, when you think. Thinking is all there is to it; nobody has to know what each person thinks, but we can know we ourselves exist and that we are unique, nobody else has to intrude on our conscious, or make us feel down. You held love for your family, continue to love your family. Next action I would recommend is to take leadership,you are a responsible person with a mind of ideas. You can change so much, and it all matters, if you think so much about your own life, you will forget that other’s lives are just as important, as we are all equal.

not all is lost, you will continue to grow, you will continue to learn, and to understand. I wish you the best of luck.

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