Friday, 29 March 2013


I think it's important we recognize how one should judge others. How one should accurately and righteously judge a person: First, there are first impressions when you first encounter someone, and you have thoughts going through your mind instantly that you can't stop thinking about because you don't know them. That's a normal human reaction. First we see their appearance, their face, clothes, expression, the way they walk or stand. We judge them by thinking from past experiences, and what we know, so if we see someone wearing tattoos, and piercings, and they walk funny, we immediately assume they don't have very high standards in life for going far, or other things such as, not caring about themselves so much. The truth is, this could just be them expressing them-self in a different way, because they didn't know any other way to show it, but they could be a great person without us even knowing it. 

When you want to judge someone perfectly, you have to really get to know them first, and understand them. Talk to them as an equal, and learn what they've been through, and the way they think, and why they choose to do certain things. Like in my anthropology class, I learned about how so many cultures, we all have our differences, but we are all still human, and share the same emotions. What guides us is our conscious, and we all have different thoughts and everything. We get to know someone and become their friend, and know them, then you can truly understand what it is to judge.

 I think it's best not to judge anyone, in my opinion, we don't have a right to do that, when we don't fully understand someone, maybe we never can, because we're all different, it would be impossible to really know what it is, going through the mind of someone else. The best thing to do, is be kind, and always understand everyone is equal, and to never judge anyone on their mistakes, because we learn from our mistakes, and we all make them. People can change too, so judging someone at one time, can be completely different from what they are like in the future, so you can never accurately judge someone if they might not be who they are at another time.

 Overall, we should believe that people each have their own opinions, we all have our own judgement, but we should respect each-other no matter what, besides, why would we want to be judged ourselves? It doesn't matter what race, religion, or heritage you derive from, if you think people are different that's just a reflection more so on yourself. Of course, everyone is unique still, we all have differences, but as far as those characteristics go, no, we don't have that right to judge another human being for the way they are born. Humans are humans, and if we really want peace we have to treat everyone the same.

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